Think about a time when you felt a high level of stress. Maybe there was a period when your job just wore you out, and you felt like you had…
The Easiest Diet To Follow
I’ve been asked this question a lot — ”What’s the easiest diet to follow?” Here are a few important traits of an easy diet in my book: “Are you joking with…
Myths About Weight Loss
We have all heard the most common advice for losing weight: exercise a little more and eat a little less. Setting these goals seems easy enough, but does it really…
How to Stop Cravings for Junk Food
Junk food has been turned into such a huge part of American culture that it’s hard to escape from it. No matter which way you turn, someone’s offering you a…
How To Recover from Binge Eating Disorder
Feelings of loss of control can be scary. Do you remember eating something and saying to yourself, “I don’t know why I ate that?” Did you keep eating? Did you…
How to Change Your Relationship with Food
Think of a great meal you’ve eaten. I mean a really good meal. Something delicious and filling. The portions just keep coming. The food makes you feel warm and happy,…
Appetite vs. Hunger
There’s an experience that hits everyone every now and then. Maybe it sounds familiar to you. You’re driving around town, maybe taking a scenic route to an appointment. Maybe you…
Should I Cut Carbs to Lose Weight
Many people who reach out to me for coaching ask me, “Should I cut carbs to lose weight?” They ask this question because the idea of cutting carbs has become…
Eating for Comfort
As individuals, we have many different ideas of comfort. Some might think of a warm fireplace as comforting, or a blanket, or cozy slippers. Others may associate food with comfort….
How to Lose Weight Naturally
When clients tell me they’ve tried to lose weight naturally a hundred times before, I always ask one clarifying question, “How?”. Many of them will follow up with a list…