Discover proven strategies and effective treatment options to overcome emotional eating habits in this comprehensive article.
Why Am I Gaining Weight While Eating Healthy?
Discover the surprising reasons behind weight gain despite maintaining a healthy diet.
How Much Protein Should a Woman Eat to Gain Muscle?
Discover the ideal protein intake for women looking to build muscle and sculpt a stronger physique.
Understanding Deipnophobia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Delve into the world of Deipnophobia with our comprehensive guide.
Case Study: From Limited To Liberated, Hiding To Leading
I had a wonderful catch-up with a client yesterday, whom we’ll refer to as R to protect her privacy. When R first reached out to me during the summer, she…
Case Study: 15-Year Nightmare Vanquished
My client Dani Hale celebrated her ultimate freedom from the eating and weight problems that she had wrestled against for 15 hard years. Dani Hale isn’t her real name. She’s…
Case Study: The Rising Of One Woman Can Impact Millions
Dear Reader, If you are highly driven but have always wondered if your eating and weight problems will hold back your dreams…. Or if you want to know how much…
Case Study: From High School Wallflower To Reunion Star
Yesterday, I had a follow-up call with my client Amanda, and she told me that for the first time in a decade, she feels great enough to want to attend…
Confidential Insights: 7 Popular Weight Loss Tips I Purposefully Omit When Coaching My Clients (So That They Succeed)
As a highly experienced weight loss and emotional eating coach with an exceptional success rate, I’ve heard many weight loss tips that are more than detrimental for people’s physical and…
Case Study: The ‘Nightstand Exercise’ For Unbridled Food Freedom
One of the ‘scariest’ exercises I use in my emotional eating coaching is the Nightstand Exercise (NSE) for total food freedom. To do that, you put the food that used…