Imagine a time when you set a weight loss goal. You found a diet that sounded promising to you. The diet included some kind of timeline, and you stuck to it diligently. There was some food you denied yourself because the diet dictated you had to leave it out–carbs or sugar or fat. After the diet ran its course, you felt excited! You dropped those three pounds, or five pounds, or ten pounds. Then you felt great. The goal you set: you got there. There’s nothing more exciting than dropping that weight. Maybe you fit into your “goal jeans,” and you could go out and show off your hard work.
Maybe the weight stayed off for a few weeks. Or maybe a full summer. Or maybe a full year. But then something happened. The weight started to creep back.
One of the most frustrating experiences you can have is spending so much time and energy trying to lose weight only for that weight to come back.
How To Maintain Weight Loss
It might feel as if it’s impossible to keep weight off. You might ask, “Is it possible to maintain weight loss at all?”
The great news is that it is possible to lose weight and keep it off. In fact, I can show you how to maintain weight loss without exercise or dieting. I can also teach you the techniques necessary for maintaining weight loss for a lifetime.
If you want to know how to maintain weight loss, you need to begin at the root of your relationship with food.
Here are the key features to understanding how to maintain weight loss:
Limiting Beliefs Dictate Your Relationship with Food

Before you successfully learn how to maintain weight loss, you will need to come to terms with something surprising. Your eating habits developed in a culture that primed you to have an unhealthy relationship with food. According to an article from the American Psychological Association, “It’s a “toxic food environment”–the strips of fast-food restaurants along America’s roadways, the barrage of burger advertising on television and the rows of candies at the checkout counter of any given convenience store.” (APA) This is an observation from Kelly Brownden, PhD, about US food culture.
However, the truth is if you had a healthy relationship with food the temptations of fast food restaurants and checkout stands filled with chocolate wouldn’t even be an issue. But you first need to identify the cultural assumptions forming the psychological underpinnings creating your personal attitude towards food.
You’ll also need to retrain your body and relearn better rules about food. The process is a different approach than dieting. It’s about examining what has influenced your development and finding out what has brought you to where you are today.
Your Body is Actively Working Against Your Weight Loss Goals
The patterns of eating and nourishment that you’ve followed that brought you to the point you are with your weight have created physiological realities that impede your weight loss goals. If your body has grown used to junk food, then that is what it will continue craving. Additionally, if your body has grown accustomed to using poor-quality fuel, then it will keep expecting you to give it that same fuel. Your body may even have trouble recognizing good fuel when it encounters it! So, before having any success maintaining weight loss for a lifetime, first, you will need to address the fact that your body is no longer aware of what it needs. This means you can’t follow your body’s natural hunger cues until it’s retrained.
Self-Deprivation Turns Food into an Addictive Substance

You have probably developed an addiction-liked dependency on at least one variety of junk food. Possibly more than one. Eating is, by its nature, habitual. There are a range of psychological and physiological aspects to hunger. These have a complicated and interdependent relationship. Various psychological triggers occur when you experience physiological realities, which creates a habit. If you end up with psychological signals of pleasure associated with junk food, then you end up with a mild chemical dependency on junk food as your brain releases dopamine. This means it ends up as an addictive substance and comes with all the complexities that come with trying to kick that addiction.
The great news is you won’t need to entirely avoid those foods, as this isn’t about deprivation. In the long run, you will be changing your relationship with those foods so that they stop being a problem in your weight management.
Lean Instinct Formula and Maintaining Weight Loss for a Lifetime
The core of Lean Instinct Formula™ is in the name: freedom. Food freedom is the secret of how to maintain weight loss for a lifetime. The key to weight loss isn’t depriving yourself of foods you love, and you don’t need to punish yourself for enjoying food. In fact, you should enjoy food! But if you want to know how to lose weight without exercise, then you need to address the problems at their deepest level. You need to find the psychological, physiological, and cultural underpinnings poisoning your relationship with food and fix them. Then you will be able to truly achieve your weight loss goals and maintain them for the rest of your life.
If you are ready to change all of this book your Breakthrough To Health Session now and find out how I can help you, in just a few short weeks, change a lifetime of thinking and behavior. So you can finally have a healthy body that you love!
These calls are totally free but are only for you if you are ready to make yourself a priority. Enough is enough… if everything else in your life is going great and you are ready to finally be as successful in weight loss as you are in everything else, let’s chat.
We just opened more times on our calendar to accommodate the demand for these sessions but they will go quickly so grab your spot now!
I look forward to speaking with you soon!
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